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Demonstrators for traceability

12 June 2024
13:00 – 17:00
Chalmers, Kuggen room 342, Lindholmsplatsen 1, 417 56 Göteborg

Welcome to Trace4Value’s open project meeting!

You can participate online or meet us in person at Lindholmen Conference Center in Göteborg.

The meeting is part of the international conference Digital Product Management Week, June 10 – 14 at Lindholmen Science Park, Gothenburg

Find the way


13.00: Introduction: Malin Rosqvist, project manager Trace4Value

13.10: Digital product passport for textile: Jenny Wärn, TrusTrace och Linn Lindfred, Circularista

13.40: CIRPASS 2 – Development of Digital Product Passports on European level: Sophie Charpentier, Chalmers Industriteknik

14.00: Demonstrators of digital product passports in Finland: Heikki Aura, Sitra and Pirkka Frosti, IOXIO

14.30: Digital twins in circular value networks: Karin Wannerberg, Ragn-Sells

14.45: Coffee break and a closer look at the demos:

GS1 Digital Product Passports

Digital Product Passport Demo kit

KEEP Electronics



IOXIO Steel rolls

IOXIO Battery

15.15: Ontologies for Digital Product Passports – and overview of the OntoDecide project: Mikael Lindecrantz, Ragn-Sells

15.25: Digital product passport for furniture: Daniel Björkman and Niklas Malmros, Sigma Technology

15.50: Mass consumption of DPP data – demo of a procurement perspective: David Almroth, GS1 Sweden 

16.00 Smart Pass: Hanna Persson, Chalmers Industriteknik

16.10: Unity4Water and Circularity for nutritions and food production: Monica Odlare, Mälardalen University

16.25: Up-dates and relevant calls for traceability and DPP: Anton Hasselgren, Vinnova

16.45: Discussion & Next steps

17.00: Summary and end of meeting: Malin Rosqvist

17.30: Mingle with participants at the Digital Product Management Week, at Lindholmen Conference Center