Traceability for sustainable value chains
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Trace4Value & SwePass join forces for transition – with a focus on traceability
The Trace4Value/SwePass project is a unique opportunity to bring stakeholders from different domains together to learn from each other and to address traceability from a valuechain perspective. The foundation of the project is a collaboration betwen six strategic innovation programs and the delegation for circular economy.
The Trace4Value/SwePass project brings together partners from several industries to tackle the complex challenge of sustainable system transformation and the shift to climate-neutral and circular production with resource-efficient and resilient value chains. The focus of the project is traceability for sustainable value chains, based on the premise that Swedish industry is global and embedded in global value chains. Through mutual learning between industries, the results are spread far beyond the project.
The project is organized in domain-specific subprojects with the shared objective to accelerate the green transition in relevant sectors – and to inspire others to learn and engage.
The project is managed by RISE and funded by Vinnova and the partner organizations.